Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Cured Meats Will Be The Death Of Me

This is an all too frequent situation. It's 4 am and I'm dead tired, thoroughly inebriated, and in no shape to be awake, let alone cooking. And yet here I find myself in the kitchen swaying like a slash pine in a hurricane. I'm starving. Enter handmade salami from Emily's Pork Store and a leftover baguette I brought home from Ten Degrees. Oh wait, there's dijon mustard from last week's barbecue sauce and the rest of the smoked gouda from the corn muffins. And what's this? Sam bought turkey and alfalfa sprouts. It's now 5 am and I have a gourmet sandwich. I'll most likely wake up at the kitchen table with half of it stuck to my face, but the sense of satisfaction makes it all worthwhile. A side note, In the background of the picture is a gas bill that, at a meager $10.08, has gone unpaid for at least two weeks. We even have the money to pay it. What is wrong with us?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Keep an eye out for Curt Ellis and Ian Cheney as they tool around Brooklyn with their traveling garden. See or hear the "Living on Earth" interview with them at: http://www.loe.org/shows/shows.htm?programID=09-P13-00038#feature7

    Another interesting food-related feature on the same show is a story on the renegade lunch lady of Boulder, Co. One of her proposals is a tuition refund program for culinary students who agree to work in a school after graduation.
